We championed the 85 million children worldwide suffering in the worst kinds of child labour. We published our findings for 44 major companies importing goods into Canada, calling for greater supply chain transparency, and action to protect children from exploitation.
Advocating for Children
I could have had an early marriage, but World Vision helped me from the very beginning. Now my dream is to be a police officer, to bring justice to our society.
– Shuvolota, 14, Bangladesh
Children have a full set of unique rights. We teach children about their rights, equipping them to speak up for themselves and educating communities to honour them. World Vision advocates for children with the Canadian government and on the world stage. We press for laws, policies and programs to open doors that poverty and injustice had slammed shut.
Ways in which you helped impact lives for good:
Around the world, more than 300 million children live in fragile contexts, where civil strife, economic turmoil and other chaos have rendered them invisible. Here in Canada, we championed these children, pressing for international programs and policies prioritizing their needs.
We armed 26,886 people against the brutal practice of human trafficking. World Vision taught families in Cambodia, China, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam how to stay safe in their home communities and when travelling. And we empowered young people to spread the word.
Our No Lost Generation program empowered 55,491 children affected by the conflict in Syria. Through protection and education, you empowered these children to lead the way forward, and use voices that had been silenced by gunfire.
Accomplished in 2015.
Around the world, we supported 1,842 clubs for children and youth, safe places to play, make friends, develop leadership skills and learn about their rights. 43,298 children and youth attended.
Accomplished in 2015.
You helped ensure that 193,512 people learned about the rights of children, as well as ways to promote child protection and encourage children’s participation in family and community decision-making.
Accomplished in 2015.