As I write this, the Canadian football season has just wrapped up. In my hometown, there was much excitement about the Hamilton Tiger Cats, and the all-important “playbook” that reflected the players’ configurations and strategies.
A good game plan is developed carefully and strategically – with a great deal of vision and passion. It reflects the team’s unique strengths, and any challenges the season might bring. The strategy is learned by heart, so team members can work together seamlessly, whatever is thrown their way.
World Vision Canada has launched its own strategy playbook for the years ahead. Our strategy – we’re calling it orangebook – is about providing the best solutions for poverty and injustice in children’s lives. It’s about leading change, and inviting Canadians to join in the movement.
Such a guide is only as good as the fire that refines it. And I’m proud to say that our volunteer Board of Directors provided that heat. They brought to the strategy their sharpest insights, their toughest questions, and their deepest passion for serving the world’s most vulnerable children.
It’s this kind of leadership that results in a winning playbook, with every move committed to achieving the final goal. It’s a team that plays with a single-minded focus: lifting the world’s children out of poverty and injustice. Now that’s a team Canadians can feel confident supporting.