Diana, the little girl in the pink dress, is one of the youngest members of the community of Rajaf in war-torn South Sudan. This area is one of the world’s most fragile places. Yet as I learned when I visited her last year, Diana’s story is different from those you might see on the news.
Despite the chaos and instability that surround them, the women in the two-year-old girl’s community, including her mother, Viola, are benefitting from Canadian generosity and have been working to grow nutritious food to feed their families.
At World Vision, reaching the world’s most vulnerable people is at the very heart of our mission. We are called to help children like Diana, even in the most remote and dangerous areas around the world. We are called to listen for their voices, even over the sounds of gunfire. We are called to step forward with courage, even when the road seems rocky.
Working in fragile places is tough. Instability makes it challenging to bring much-needed help to those most vulnerable, and our staff face daily security challenges that slow our progress in communities.
Yet I believe if we encounter tough things in our work, it’s because we’re in the right places. Our challenges are minimal compared to those of the children, families and communities facing these realities every day.
As followers of Jesus, we’re called to walk with children in all that they’re facing. We are following our vision of “life in all its fullness” for every child. We go in with our eyes wide open, acting out of love, as Jesus calls us to do.
We’ve created this report to show you the impact we’ve made in the last year. It’s thanks to your support, and through partnership with families and communities all around the world, that World Vision has been able to hear the call for millions of children.
Together, we’ve done incredible things for children, even in the world’s toughest places.